"Promoting The Beautiful English Trumpeter"
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National English Trumpeter Club's Purpose
The purpose of our club shall be to promote the breeding and exhibition of the English
Trumpeter Pigeon.
To make all colors the best of all exhibition breeds.
To sponsor meets and shows and create proper classifications and offering regular and
special premiums.
Our Club shall cooperate with all pigeon agencies.
The NETC was founded on March 31, 1979 in Clinton Ok. by Wes Shores (president),
Eddie Lujan (sec/treas), Mike Kniffer (publicity director), and Bill Baker (vice president).

National English Trumpeter Club
Officers 2011 to 2012
President = Mickey Jackson
V.P. = Bill Baker,Phil Doddridge
Sec.Treas. = Royce Perry,Russell Gourley
Publicity Director = Marlo Reishus

Membership Information
Our members receive four outstanding bulletins annually and our New Members
Family Memberships are $15.00 per year
Individual Membership is $15.00 per year
Junior Membership is $5.00 per year (18 and under)
Send Dues To
Russell Gourley
225 Lakeview Dr. Collierville TN. 38017


The NETC supports the National Pigeon Association Grand National (We are an NPA
Affiliated Club), and the National Young Bird Show annually. It is the intent of the club to sponsor any and all English Trumpeter shows and meets providing that there are at least 25  paid entries at any show or meet. Contact us for details.

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Contact one of these fanciers for information about the NETC or English Trumpeter
Mickey Jackson email: mjackson122000@yahoo.com
Royce Perry email: rsperry@valornet.com
Russell Gourley email: birdmania37@aol.com

NETC LINKS :  NETC Meets   Mickey Jackson

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